Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ryan, Rubio Distance Themselves From Romney, Call For GOP Focus On Those "Struggling"
WASHINGTON — In their most substantive remarks since the presidential election, former Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan and Republican Sen. Marco Rubio called on the Republican Party to expand its focus to the nation's least fortunate, delivering an implicit, but sharp, rebuke to Mitt Romney's "47 percent" line.
"Both parties tend to divide Americans into 'our voters' and 'their voters,'" Ryan said at the Jack Kemp Foundation Leadership Awards Dinner in Washington Tuesday night, joining the chorus of Republicans moving away from the GOP nominee.
"Let’s be clear: Republicans must steer far clear of that trap," he continued, a line greeted with a loud round of applause from the audience minutes after saying he was "proud" of Romney. "We must speak to the aspirations and anxieties of every American. I believe we can turn the engines of upward mobility back on, so that no one is left out from the promise of America. But it’s going to require a bold departure from the approach that government has taken for the last five decades."
how many sides of his neck can he speak from at one time?
"We must speak to the aspirations and anxieties of every American. I believe we can turn the engines of upward mobility back on, so that no one is left out from the promise of America. But it’s going to require a bold departure from the approach that government has taken for the last five decades."
what is he talking about the only approach contrary to Americans realizing upward mobility are all right wing endeavors look back at every bit of legislation that has hindered you come from the right, what he is rally saying is it's due to regulation, regulation protects you, deregulation protects the rich.
"Some say that our problem is that the American people have changed," Rubio said. "That too many people want things from government. But I am still convinced that the overwhelming majority of our people just want what my parents had — a chance."
that's great xcept that is not the manifesto of the party he rprsents. if he were elected in 2016 would this assumption be any different then as it is now for the real string pullers of the right wing? just insert the name of whoever the dupe is then.