Friday, December 7, 2012

Jobs report hits fiscal cliff debate

New jobs numbers handed President Barack Obama fresh evidence for his strongest argument in fiscal cliff talks: His prescriptions have been healing the economy.
Slowly, surely, but it’s moving in the right direction, say Democrats, who used the November numbers — 146,000 new jobsand the unemployment rate at a 47-month low of 7.7 percent — to reiterate their call for freezing income tax rates for most Americans while increasing marginal rates for the wealthiest taxpayers.
“It is critical that we continue the policies that are building an economy that works for the middle class as we dig our way out of the deep hole that was caused by the severe recession that began in December 2007,” Alan B. Krueger, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said. “Most pressing, President Obama has proposed, and the Senate has passed, an extension of middle-class income tax cuts that would prevent the typical middle-class family from facing a $2,200 tax increase at the beginning of next year.”
to me there can be no reason on earth to deny 98% of the population for 2 % that don't need help and have said so, but the bullish right wing is giving it to them anyway, like the pentagon they don't want it but budget hawk republicans are willing to spend millions added to deficit anyway
The positive report gives Obama a bit more momentum just a month after he won a second term, and it strengthens his hand in negotiations with House Speaker John Boehner over a new deficit-reduction deal that would supersede the “fiscal cliff” of broad spending cuts and tax increases due to take effect next month.
Like an NFL quarterback who takes all the blame for a loss and all the credit for a win, Obama is now the primary political beneficiary of a slightly brighter economic picture.
America take comfort that your future is looking up you made the correct choice, enjoy the holidays you might not have been able to if it had gone the other way.