Saturday, December 8, 2012

How Michigan Became Latest Front In GOP-Union War
Michigan, home of the American auto industry and thousands of its unionized 
workers, is likely to be the latest state to sign so-called right-to-work legislation into law by next week.
Of course, labor and Democrats are not letting that happen without a fight. Despite lacking the political power to stop the measure from advancing through the legislature Thursday, they are marshaling their troops in Michigan as the right-to-work push becomes the latest battlefield in the Republican-led war on unions.
gotta give it to them they are really trying hard to make that change, or not.  don't here change on that side much except for a couple of wannabe's but everytime they say it 100 more throw gas on the blazing SSDD. could this be a plan to rid themselves of th T-P faction? if so they've come up with a killer plan.
• What exactly are Michigan Republicans trying to do?
The state legislature is controlled by Republicans, as is the governor’s mansion. Their right-to-work legislation does three things: prevents unions from penalizing workers in union shops who decline to join and pay dues, exempts police and firefighter unions from those changes and prevents opponents from overturning the law by referendum. reported on more of the details: “Currently workers don’t have to join a union. But if they don’t, they still have to pay fees anyway. The legislation would no longer require employees to pay union dues or fees as a condition of employment.”
Republicans are using the intricacies of the legislative process in Michigan to craft the law so it can’t be overturned by referendum like Ohio’s SB 5 was.
forever trying to scam the system to quote Rev. Al, 
. i see it differently we need gov't more then we realize being we don't know until we need something out of our reach, there is an argument for safety foreign and domestic, there are tragedies Sandy that states can not afford. .keep air ground waters and food and product purchases from unscrupulous vendors shortcutting. right wing propaganda misleads GW Bush," you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the one's you want to concentrate on" a plan crafted in the Nixon WH, in that case we needed gov't like now to protect us from gov't, voter suppression need i go on?