Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer believes President Barack Obama has used the fiscal cliff to start an "internal civil war" among House Republicans.
"He’s been using [the fiscal cliff talks] — and I must say with great skill, and ruthless skill and success — to fracture and basically shatter the Republican opposition," Krauthammer told Fox News host Sean Hannity. "The only redoubt of the opposition is the House. And his objective from the very beginning was to break the will of the Republicans in the House, and to create an internal civil war. And he’s done that.”
"How did he do it? By always insisting from Day One after the election that Republicans had to raise rates," Krauthammer said.
The so-called GOP civil war actually
long predates the fiscal cliff negotiations; if anything, Obama's call for higher tax rates exposed — or exploited, if you share Krauthammer's interpretation — those rifts.
this guy is suppose to be one of their "elite" pundits has really been leaning left since the election, although he has a lifeline attached to his waist.
if there is a civil war it was perpetrated by the conventional republicans and their base elected TPers.
when your marching orders were to sink the Pres. and you start an all out campaign to do just that, you need to take into consideration that radical plans only resonate among radicals, those who have a conscious and realize the this is not a plan of design any more but one one disarray, too many chefs allows the pot to boil over.
civil war is their bailiwick not progressives, they still live by 19th century they are arguing against help and relief for the new majority, that in itself is a plan to fail. they are arming up and passing laws to kill. constant divisive rhetoric of the misleading kind.
they need to stop doing the dirt then try to sweep it on the Pres.'s shoes, we are on to it and them too.
their skulduggery was what really made them think they win hands down, when your mind is deluded with visions of grandeur hard to except your crap smells too. i really think they thought their self perceived white supremacy would will out with the people.
now that it wasn't that kind of party they are scurrying like roaches when the light comes on, no direction just as we have seen still holding on to failed campaign untrue rhetoric. the whole ball of wax is melting and with no real leader the lemmings run off the cliff at many different places, very few come down on the same spot. civil war yes self induced by hate and treachery and greed for power and money. never before was fate so adequate.