Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lindsey Graham On Fiscal Cliff: 'Hats Off To The President. He Won.'
Lindsey Graham Fiscal Cliff

But Graham said he won't support a package that raises rates on income between $250,000 and $400,000 or $500,000, because he knows Democrats will cave and accept a higher threshold. He used the example of his fellow guest, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
"No," he said when asked if he'd support the $250,000 level, "because she's willing to go for more, and why would I not find 4 or 500, because I know the votes are there for 4 or 500? But in the House, will the votes be there for 4 or 500?"

Feinstein flinched and, when pressed, put the onus back on the president, who was the first to raise the compromise level to income over $400,000. "We believe that the 250 threshold is the appropriate threshold. The president did make an offer, we understand, of 400,000, with a trillion in cuts accompanying it. That was turned down by the House," she said. "The time has come really to measure the absence of a deal against a deal. ... We have to solve this immediate situation."
Asked whether she'd accept the higher level, Feinstein was quick to answer. "I could certainly live with it," she said

Graham, meanwhile, called the chances of a quick fiscal cliff deal "exceedingly good."
"I want to vote for it even though I won't like it," he said.
i saw this show what they left out was Grahams out right threat to repeat the deficit debacle, as he got his now we get ours don't remember exact words but it was a threat to once again put us in peril.