Friday, November 9, 2012

Voting Rights Act Challenge Gets U.S. High Court Hearing

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider overturning a core part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, taking up a racially and politically charged challenge to one of the signal achievements of the civil rights movement.
The justices today said they will hear arguments that the law’s “preclearance” provision, which requires all or parts of 16 mostly Southern states to get federal approval before changing their voting rules, is no longer warranted.
Along with a clash over university affirmative action, the case makes this court term a potential watershed for the legal rules governing race. Chief Justice John Roberts has questioned the constitutionality of the preclearance rule, which the Obama administration used this year to stop Republican-backed voter- identification laws inTexas and South Carolina from going into effect. 
this should by virtue of the constitutional right to vote, as i was writing i thought i should research it first this is what i found
Preclearance “has been one of the most powerful tools in the civil rights arsenal,” said Heather Gerken, a professor at Yale Law School in New Haven, Connecticut, who specializes in election and constitutional law. “It’s made more of a difference in improving the civil rights of African Americans than any other statute I can think of.”
2,400 Changes
Under the preclearance requirement, a covered jurisdiction must seek approval from the Justice Department or a federal court before changing voting district lines, polling places or other aspects of the election system. The Justice Department has used the requirement, also known as Section 5, to object to more than 2,400 state and local voting changes since 1982.
was this applied to this cycle right wing redistricting and purges and day and time changes?