Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The 6 Most Bizarre Freakouts Over Obama's Re-Election

The re-election of President Obama last week was just too much for some conservatives to handle. Although the doomsday pronouncements of the past four years have yet to materialize, some Americans couldn't help themselves from freaking out over the news that the president will be here for one more term.
TPM has compiled the six most bizarre reactions to Obama's victory.
1. Obama's Hired, But You're Fired
Some of the nation's CEOs took their frustration out on their employees. Robert Murray, CEO of the coal company Murray Energy, responded to the election by reading a prayer to his employees and then laying off 50 of them. 
Papa John's pizza CEO John Schnatter, a donor to Republican loser Mitt Romney, announced that franchise owners will likely have to cut hours for employees in order to pay for the president's health care law. And Zane Tankel, a New York-based Applebee's franchisee, said he would halt plans to expand his 40-restaurant empire because the health care law would cost him too much.
don't they mean their greed supersedes their desire to continue their business and hire those they have demonized and wanted to go home at a lower rate, or are they firing those same people? we need to challenge that by boycotting those listed so they won't have to pay so much tax because they'll have so much less business. "GRASSROOTS POWER"
6. Lamest Secession Attempt Ever
A GOP official in Texas last week called on his state to separate from the rest of the country and the "maggots" who helped secure a second term for Obama. Meanwhile, semi-anonymous petitions began circulating online for 19 red states to secede. But two prominent conservatives, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) and RedState founder Erick Erickson, called on the wannabe secessionists to end their struggle. "We here at RedState are American citizens. We have no plans to secede from the union," Erickson wrote on the website. "If you do, good luck with that, but this is not the place for you."
this seems more like a grade school gang trying to figure out the best way to get even with those who cleaned their clocks, in a really juvenile fashion.