Saturday, November 10, 2012

Texas GOPer Peter Morrison Wants State To Leave U.S. Over Obama Win

here comes another one i say fine step off, and wind the fires and storms and oil from your plants and drilling stations screw you up you are just short, if you screw up one of our shores we'll bill you and if you don't pay, we'll make it not so friendly as Perry once said.  must be the peyote
A Republican official in Texas called for his state to separate from the United States and the “maggots” who reelected President Barack Obama in a newsletter he sent out this week.
Peter Morrison, who serves as treasurer of the Hardin County Republican Party, wrote in his post-election newsletter that there was a clear solution to the problem of Obama’s re-election.
“We must contest every single inch of ground and delay the baby-murdering, tax-raising socialists at every opportunity,” Morrison wrote. “But in due time, the maggots will have eaten every morsel of flesh off of the rotting corpse of the Republic, and therein lies our opportunity
 “Texas was once its own country, and many Texans already think in nationalist terms about their state. We need to do everything possible to encourage a long-term shift in thinking on this issue. Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government? Let each go her own way in peace, sign a free trade agreement among the states and we can avoid this gut-wrenching spectacle every four years,” he wrote.

between no help from the UNITED STATES and the cartel threat from Mexico this ought to make great news cycles