Sunday, November 18, 2012

Susan Rice's unclassified talking points released
the usual suspects looking for star in the daylight     

Rice, who’s under consideration for secretary of state, has come under fire from Republicans for saying Sept. 16 that the assault on the U.S. consulate had been sparked by “spontaneous” protests to an anti-Islam Internet video. The ambassador has maintained she was simply reading from talking points provided by the intelligence community.
According to Feinstein, the talking points stated:
  • The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the United States embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against United States diplomatic posts in Benghazi and subsequently its annex.
  • There are indications extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.
  • This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated.
  • The investigation is ongoing and the United States government is working with Libyan authorities to bring justice to those responsible for the deaths of United States citizens.
case closed another money wasting witch hunt by the reight trying to paint this Pres as incompetent, they should be charged for the money they spoend on these flights of fantasy that result in whatever they were told in the first place.