Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Senate Democrats say deficit package must include stimulus

Senate Democrats, feeling confident from their net gain of two seats in last week’s election, say any deficit-reduction package negotiated in the coming weeks must include stimulus measures.
They have yet to decide which prime-the-pump measures to push, but are mulling options such as new infrastructure spending and an extension of the payroll tax holiday.
Some Republicans are likely to balk at the notion that a package to cut the deficit would include new spending. But Democrats argue the No. 1 concern of the voters is job creation and that the government needs to take a more aggressive role in spurring the economy.
“We need to do something on stimulus as part of the overall fiscal cliff,” said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), the Senate Democrats’ chief political strategist. “We have to do something because the economy is not growing fast enough in the first year or two.”
we all know the concern the right has is not the jobs the lied and reneged on that one in 2010, if so why did they block the Pres.'s jobs act, and tout a potentially environmentally unsafe and not really researched keystone pipeline, why because it helps big oil and their rich friends Pres.'s jobs act only helped "we the people", gettin' that hmmmmmmm yet?  
stimulus is a lifeline help vehicle for "we the people" but it is a non working abomination and waste of money to the republicans, really, helping the people which in turn helps the economy a waste of money, if you ever needed a reason to no why you didn't vote that way, copy paste this print it out and nail it to your wall.
want to place blame?
In 2010, Congress cut the payroll tax rate, which funds the Social Security trust fund, from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent, giving a worker who earns $35,000 a year a tax cut of $700 and a worker earning $50,000 a year a roughly $1,000 break. If it were to expire at the end of this year, 160 million Americans would see their taxes go up.