Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ron Paul Says Goodbye To "Psychopathic Authoritarians"
like father like warped
requiem for a maniac
Paul spoke for nearly 45 minutes, slamming the political establishment, the TSA, the federal government, Internet regulations,police searches, and, of course, the Federal Reserve. The speech seemed at times to be one long complaint about the dearth of libertarian ideas in Congress.
Paul's son, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, tweeted earlier that he was in the room with his father and said, "We're about to hijack the house!"
wtf does that mean this is the guy who allowed his guards to put their foot in a womens neck in a gutter while running for office and she was trying to ask a question. the right wing still elected him should have been a 1st sign about Paul and his character.
the right wing party will always be an extreme force in America as long as there are those who choose hate over the real American way.