Thursday, November 15, 2012

Boehner Optimistic About Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Speaker John Boehner Wednesday said he remains hopeful fiscal cliff negotiations will ultimately bare fruit, despite lingering differences between Democrats and Republicans about how to address the looming austerity crisis.
"I do think that the spirit of cooperation that you've seen over the past week has created an atmosphere where I think—I remain optimistic," Boehner told reporters at a press conference with House Republican leaders. "I was born with a glass half full. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here."
"i think i remain optimistic", 
is that code for i got to check with the t-baggers to see if it's ok?
what i've been hearing is just that, hopeful and declarations of the same hostage taking rhetoric we endured the last 4 years from this 9% approved congress, nothing has changed for them it's their business as usual.
"There are ways to put revenue on the table without increasing tax rates," Boehner said, echoing statements he has made before. "There's all kinds of information and data out there."
But Boehner declined to provide specific ideas for raising revenue, he said, because it "would not be conducive to coming to an agreement with the White House."
this is a theme with the republicans broad statements with no meat on the bone, didn't Romney try to skate through with that same plan, and he's now a point in history, a college political sconce course 101 "how to sink yourself"
no loopholes revealed and now no "ways to put revenue up without hurting the rich"
it's after the election and they still can't tell us, make you go hmmmmm, would it be the same if they had won, of course they never had anything.