Saturday, November 10, 2012

Possible Fiscal Cliff Savior: Semantics - Wealthy can pay more, even if tax rates don't rise

America how do you feel knowing that this infamous fiscal cliff is being once again held hostage by the republicans who honor their pledge to Norquist and not you who they took and oath of office to do?
not warm and fuzzy i'm sure.
Newser) – It sure sounds like President Obama and John Boehner are at loggerheads when it comes to a deal to avert the fiscal cliff: Obama insists the richest Americans must pay more in taxes, while Boehner says the House will never approve a rate increase. But therein lies the wiggle room:
  • Washington Post: "Notably, Obama did not say rates must rise on upper-income Americans—only that they must pay more in taxes—leaving room for a potential compromise."
Meaning, they might be able to figure out a deal that requires the wealthy to pay more without jacking rates. 
so the rich are afraid they'll come up a couple of dollars short on their next mansion or jet or yacht?  which makes it a deal killer for them to even think about paying fair share proportionately/
 New York Times: Any deal "now revolves around the definition of tax increases. Mr. Boehner is holding the line against any increase in tax rates, even for the richest Americans that currently are in the 35 percent tax bracket. But he is leaving open the possibility of a reformed tax code that does raise more revenue than the existing code."
no any deal now should only revolve around everybody doing their part, if you don't want to participate move to Texas or some other foreign country.