Sunday, November 4, 2012

Giuliani: Obama's 'Incompetence' Has Killed Americans, He Should Resign

Former New York City Mayor and 2008 GOP presidential candidate called on President Obama to resign over the nation’s 7.9 percent unemployment rate and argued that Mitt Romney’s experience in running the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics could have prevented the deaths of four Americans in Libya. Giuliani made the comments during a rally for Romney and Paul Ryan in Ohio on Friday
incompetence, killed Americans, what about his party leaders incompetence in responding to early warnings about Bin Laden they allowed 3 million plus to be killed for real despicable SOB., pot kettle syndrome
GIULIANI: If [Romney] can have the same success for us that he had in running the Olympics, maybe something like what happened in Libya could have been avoided! Maybe if we had a president who was paying attention, we wouldn’t be going through all of this investigation of what’s being covered up about Libya!… You know of what happened in Libya is the result of at least of incompetence.
how would he know Romney has revealed absolutely nothing except he loves stuff, America's mayor which America the one that's been trying to tear the country down just to get "we the people to vote for them?

this guy is the champion of hypocritical misleading, he harps on "i saved the Olympics
", but not quite the case, to make that claim would suggest a single handed effort written,produced, directed and starring The Willard all by himself. check this out how he did it with that Gov't overspending that they hate so much but leap on it like a lion on a pork chop when they need it. notice the country China comes up.,567082,568119