Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rob Portman: Hurricane Sandy Could Turn Voters Away From Obama

While multiple Republican governors and Mitt Romney surrogates have praised the administration’s response in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)told CNN on Saturday that some voters might blame President Obama for the government’s relief efforts. 
really is this suppose to be suggestive psychology, playing on American hurry up attitude, when i was in the service in the 60's we had this saying about the gov't "hurry up and wait".  there are over 314 million people here in the US seems a little surreal to assume an individual or group would be serviced at the same time. be thankful for what you got, not greedy or in a hurry to get what you can. 
“As usual in a major disaster like this, there are a lot of people who are concerned about the government not providing the assistance they deserve and need,” Portman told CNN. “People are feeling like, ‘Hey, where’s FEMA? Where’s the help that I was promised?‘”
and what happened to the concern of gov't being to big, if it were maybe the right wing would not cry about where's the gov't is it doing enough, Romney wants to ship responsibility back to the states, what he leaves out is the states would still need the help of the gov't and if you get that money you need to have REGULATIONS so the republican governor's cannot run roughshod over "we the people"