Friday, November 9, 2012

Can Rubio save GOP on immigration?

i think some will be sucked in to the right wing abyss of deception, every time he's referred to it's prefaced with his ethnicity, to me that says they are viewing it as a selling feature not so much qualification, he entered on a lie about his parents coming here probably told to say that distortion of the truth.
no matter how they try to sell him to Hispanics he still represents a party that has shown nothing but animosity from the time they showed up on these shores and now they are telling us they need to bring them in what are they cattle? they can change clothes all day long but they take them off and they are still racist haters biding their time.
Barely an hour after Mitt Romney conceded the presidential election Wednesday morning, Marco Rubio laid down his marker for 2016: No, he wouldn’t be the candidate of the tired old white guy.
“The conservative movement should have particular appeal to people in minority and immigrant communities who are trying to make it,” the GOP Florida senator posted on his Facebook page at 2:16 a.m. “And Republicans need to work harder than ever to communicate our beliefs to them.”
BS he would be no different then Romney subject to what the T-Party and big money wants, they told us this before this election remember this
This is indisputably Rubio’s moment, and how the 41-year-old senator and the most prominent Latino in national politics today carries his party’s demographic burden will define not only his own future — but the future of the Republican Party. He was the biggest Republican winner Tuesday, Republicans will tell you, as it became painfully clear that Romney would carry only 27 percent of the nation’s fastest-growing demographic.
this is in no way and interest in Hispanic's and making their life better it's about psyching them out to vote for them they are statistics to the republican party not people deserving of equal treatment. it's all about the vote, they have a chance now to milk the GOP and they should make them put in writing any claims of devotion to them.