Thursday, November 8, 2012

Karl Rove: Obama ‘succeeded by suppressing the vote’

they get more and more outrageous, these people are not stable, think if they won and another war on the way and we lost then they fall apart, not ready for anytime.
Karl Rove defended Republicans’ work this election cycle, arguing that President Obama only won by making neither candidate look palatable and that Mitt Romney, not outside groups, should have fought back harder.
The president’s campaign “succeeded by suppressing the vote,” Rove told Fox News. “They effectively denigrated Mitt Romney’s character, business acumen, experience.”
An estimated 129 million people voted in 2012, down from 131 million in 2008. In the previous three elections, turnout went up. 
Rove noted that American Crossroads, one of two big-money groups he advised, aired an ad defending Romney against attacks on Bain Capital. But, he suggested, Romney himself should have done more.
that's it blame the guy who hired you to do what after losing you say he should have done, i would call for and make public a refund from Rove and CROSSROADS. they still can't give the Black guy credit for anything he won not because of his qualification and better strategy but because he did what has been proven is what they were doing. do the dirt then try and kick it on the Pres.'s shoes, he blew it running around as the "architect" big money mover well he did that as well as he can dance,