Sunday, November 11, 2012

Boehner Tells House G.O.P. to Fall in Line

i will believe it when the resolution is not a punt.

WASHINGTON — On a conference call with House Republicans a day after the party’s electoral battering last week, Speaker John A. Boehner dished out some bitter medicine, and for the first time in the 112th Congress, most members took their dose. 
Their party lost, badly, Mr. Boehner said, and while Republicans would still control the House and would continue to staunchly oppose tax rate increases as Congress grapples with the impending fiscal battle, they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that marked so much of the last two years.
Members on the call, subdued and dark, murmured words of support — even a few who had been a thorn in the speaker’s side for much of this Congress. 
just how is any of this relevant to positive talks to an end of solution? day one after their lost the two leaders, Beohner, and McConnell claimed they were standing pat with old position of no tax hike on the rich?
With President Obama re-elected and Democrats cementing control of the Senate, Mr. Boehner will need to capitalize on the chastened faction of the House G.O.P. that wants to cut a deal to avert sudden tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts in January that could send the economy back into recession.
After spending two years marooned between the will of his loud and fractious members and the Democratic Senate majority, the speaker is trying to assert control, and many members seem to be offering support.
while praying for the best i cannot lose sight of the republican track record and the fact that the same nay sayers are still there, and vengeful.