Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Who Knew? Romney Agrees With Obama on Foreign Policy

well can you blame him there is no better plan at the moment, so they decided "we the people" were to anal to notice our lying eyes were exposing him for the corporate raider he is why wouldn't he think he could just come in and appease the Pres. and no one would notice.
Appeasement is a diplomatic policy aimed at avoiding war by making concessions to an aggressor
For a presidential election where the choices between two approaches to the economy,health care, and the role of the federal government couldn't be wider, Monday night's final presidential debate featured an unusual amount of agreement between the two candidates. This was in part because Mitt Romney, having taken positions to Obama's right during the Republican primary and in the run up to the election's final weeks, moderated his positions during the debate. It was a startling shift from Romney, who a month ago implied that the president sympathizes with people who kill Americans, and it undermined Romney's argument that recent foreign policy challenges have been little more than the result of the Obama administration displaying "weakness."
Down with Mubarak!
For all Romney's criticism of Obama's handling of the Arab Spring and its aftermath, he emphasized his agreement with the president in ultimately pushing former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak to step down. "I believe, as the president indicated, and said at the time that I supported his—his action there," Romney said. "I felt that—I wish we'd have had a better vision of the future."
China has to "play by the rules."
Obama and Romney, despite actually holding similar views on the inevitability of outsourcing (if not how to deal with it) both emphasized that China has to "play by the rules," a platitude that projects toughness but doesn't mean much. "[W]ith respect to China, China is both an adversary, but also a potential partner in the international community if it's following the rules," Obama said. "They have to understand we want to trade with them," Romney agreed. "We like free enterprise, but you got to play by the rules."
just a couple of things that Romney's embrace seems a little disingenuous given his riches attained by outsourcing to China like his ad saying the Pres was responsible for China leading us in manufacturing, he neglects to tell you that may be because they have those jobs now thanks to Romney's company Bain.