Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Akin Effect: Did The Akin Effect: Did "Legitimate Rape" Make Mourdock's Gaffe Worse?

“It was a double whammy,” says Bonjean. An Akin adviser says it's nice to see Republicans standing behind Mourdock.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — When Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said pregnancies resulting from rape are "something that God intended to happen," the ensuing outrage was swift and severe.
Democrats leaped on the comments, using them to not only batter Mourdock and raise their prospects in his race, but to try to tie Mitt Romney's campaign to Mourdock's beliefs.
And almost immediately, Mourdock became inextricably linked to Rep. Todd Akin, the Senate candidate in Missouri who, earlier this year, said women's bodies can prevent pregnancies in the case of "legitimate rape."
"Ever since the Todd Akin controversy started to fade, the media's been on the lookout for a new punching bag," Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, wrote in the council's weekly update Wednesday. "Yesterday, they found one: Hoosier conservative Richard Mourdock."
Republicans, however, say that Mourdock should have known better, arguing that raising the issue of rape in the waning days of a campaign is politically reckless, especially in the wake of the Akin controversy.
notice that none of the republicans rebuke their insane claims of knowledge as to what God intends for women, sure they said it was wrong but to still support them is more telling of that being more of an expected response, and they really have no problem with keeping them in play just for political advantage.
these are what half of the country wants in the WH and ultimately in your lives by way of totalitarianism, now you know why they are so intent on "returning legislative preference's to the states.
But most Republicans have not pulled their support for Mourdock — even though the much of the party, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee, abandoned Akin after his remark. Even, Mitt Romney, who cut an ad for Mourdock that is still running on Indiana television, has refused to condemn him and has not pulled his endorsement.
bottom line they are in full aceptance of those in that party regardless of what they say but more so as a seat filler to gin up their numbers. Norquist said about Romney
"Romney will do as he's told"
 "we just need someone with enough digits on one hand to hold a pen"
who's running who and what in that party? 
Romney,"i'm your puppet"