Thursday, October 25, 2012

PA Workers Could Soon Pay Taxes ... to Employers - Proposed law is meant to lure big companies

Newser) – A new Pennsylvania law—which has already passed the state House and Senate, but has not yet been signed by the governor—would force some employees to pay taxes to their employers, Philadelphia's citypaperreports. The law is a tax incentive attempting to lure software company Oracle to Pennsylvania; it states that any company hiring at least 250 new workers in the state can keep 95% of those workers' withheld income taxes rather than sending the money off to the state treasury, the Philadelphia Inquirerreports.
Supporters say the bill will spur job creation, but opponents say general tax reductions for all businesses are a better idea. In citypaper, Daniel Denvir sums it up thusly: "Your taxes would get withheld by your boss like normal, but they would then keep them and spend it on private jets or monogrammed bathroom fixtures or whatever." But the Inquirer points out that the amount companies can keep is capped at $5 million, the program expires in 2018, and it's not even clear Gov. Tom Corbett will sign.
is this a right wing born idea, and why this one company?  seems this idea would once again lower revenue to gov't and line pockets of a not so small business if they can afford and require 250 more new employees. 
luring big business is more of the same the large amount of employees is suppose to increase tax payers allowing gov't to do more, but this would decrease the revenue if your boss gets to keep 95% of your tax money if we do the math and carry the one gov't gets 5%, is that incentive or creating a third world economy where big business wins and "we the people" get shorted on programs services and public jobs you know cops, firemen, teachers, garbage collectors.
sounds like a right wing plan to gut gov't and promote privatization.