Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Labor unions, liberal groups fear lame-duck betrayal by Obama

are "we the people" becoming our own worst enemy? everybody is up in arms because the Pres. hasn't done enough for their cause. it could be many reasons why, some causes are not as detrimental to the moment then others, republicans true to their promise to not give him anything, by default that means some of those programs like his jobs act have yet after a year to see daylight in congress. 
"no man is an island unto himself", he said "yes we can" not "yes i can" if continued rhetoric of what "HE" has done could be because we did nothing then and some now to support him, instead some go to a losing agenda as far as they are concerned like those so called minorities now majorities oh not to forget the 47% he's not worried about. 
trust you common sense and drop the knowledge on those who don't seem to exercise it.
Major labor unions and dozens of liberal groups working to elect President Obama are worried he could “betray” them in the lame-duck session by agreeing to a deal to cut safety-net programs.
While Obama is relying on labor unions and other organizations on the left to turn out Democratic voters in battleground states, some of his allies have lingering concerns about whether he will stand by them if elected.
 The liberal groups are planning to launch an aggressive campaign immediately after Election Day to pressure Obama and Senate Democrats not to endorse any deal that cuts Medicare and/or Social Security benefits.
 They say Republicans are also being targeted, but acknowledge that Democrats are more likely to respond to the lobbying campaign. 
Sanders, who caucuses with Democrats, noted that using a formula known as “chained CPI” to calculate Social Security benefits could cause a cut to veterans’ benefits.
“So I think you’re going to have a whole lot of people beginning to stand together and say, ‘Sorry, at a time when the wealthiest are doing phenomenally well and so many people are hurting terribly because of this recession, you’re not going to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the children, the sick, the poor, the disabled veterans,’” he said.
since i receive a veteran pension i am extremely concerned that those would call honoring their promise to vets means further under the poverty line, good luck on future volunteers.