Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's the media that's, inept not the Post Office

As we know, the government can't do anything right. We know this not only because a menagerie of right-wing media yackers and anti-government politicians ceaselessly bleat this message at us, but also because it's often echoed by such basso profundo media voices as the New York Times.
For example, The Times recently went after the U.S. Postal Service – a favorite target of political forces eager to privatize our nation's mail agency "Distress Deepening, Postal Service Defaults," screeched the headline, with the article's opening sentence assailing the hapless agency for sinking "deeper into debt," having missed for the second time this year a deadline to pay $5.6 billion "for its future retiree health benefits." This reinforced the right-wing claims of gross bureaucratic inefficiencies, suggesting that no private corporation could stay in business if it was so slipshod.
But wait – while the Times did the who-what-when-and-where part of this story – it conveniently evaded the crucial question of "why." The unmentioned truth is that in 2006, the forces of privatization got Congress to shackle our Post Office to an absurd requirement that it must, by 2015, set aside funds to cover the health benefits of all workers who'll retire in the next 75 years.
the assumption of media failure i agree, this was known by someone in the media at the time the right wing launch this coup, what was the reason for withholding? 
 when those you trust and charge with looking out for you and yours and they have the price tag they forgot to pull off after their purchase, what chance do we have to defend against those who would take advantage of that trust?