Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Donald Trump announcement: Tycoon offers $5m to charity if Obama releases college records;_ylt=AjtusSXjyl8PawL4TrQwXmibvZx4?p=donald+trump+obama+bumb+today&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=fptb-tyc8

Donald Trump has challenged Barack Obama to release his college records and passport application - and has promised to donate $5million to a charity of the President's choice if he does so.
counter to his dud of a bomb, he'll release grades if Romney release last 12 years of his tax returns and Trump releases his financial records for last 12 years
The tycoon made his offer in a YouTube video released at noon today, two days after promising to make a 'gigantic' announcement about Obama which could change the course of the presidential race.
i would ignore this obvious attempt to get back in the news by Trump is that 5 million his or is it a super pac deal?  the guy is a phony charlatan to be ignored 
the deflation of his claims representative of his presumed stature, remember Romney had back door sneak meeting because he didn't want to be seen colaborating with him.

the other big deal  well you be the judge on this one  listed last because of it's importance