Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Foreign Policy Skirmish On The Romney Campaign

The skirmish is the latest flare-up in a running battle between the fo
rmer CIA officer, Michael Scheuer, and the Romney aide, Gabriel Schoenfeld — and one that reflects deeper rifts over foreign policy on the right. Schoenfeld is part of a contingent of hawkish neoconservative thinkers around Romney; while Scheuer is a vocal critic of the interventionism championed by George W. Bush.
Schoenfeld has been campaigning against Scheuer at least since 2007, when he accused him of anti-Semitism and "nuttiness," and urged the mainstream and conservative media to stop relying on him as an expert source. Scheuer, for his part, has dismissed Schoenfeld as a “reliable Israel-firster" bent on entangling the U.S. in the Middle East on Israel's account.
The feud bubbled back up last week when Scheuer — in emails to the campaign, shared with this reporter — accused Schoenfeld of orchestrating an aggressive campaign to "defame" and discredit him, by convincing his employers that he's an anti-Semite.
Romney has surrounded himself with the Bush reprobates that were instrumental in all the failed policies that have brought us to the need to reject the same and continue what has gotten us out of their abyss.
right wing still coming up short on vetting their potentials or is it just another case of space holders and increasing their numbers with empty shirts of questionable character?
Michael Scheuer, who recently appeared on your program, receives high praise from David Duke [links below], the notorious former klansman and bigot, racist and anti-Semite, for Scheuer’s anti-Semitic and Israel-bashing tirades. What were you thinking in having Scheuer on your show?
Other e-mails asserted that Scheuer had a "psychiatric disorder," and cited The Weekly Standard's William Kristol as someone who has "documented his sickness."
note to right wing, when your own starts to turn on those you intend to unleash on the electorate don't you think you should investigate and make adjustments? we are all not unscrupulous, it seems just the politician in your party.