Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Battle against Voter Purging

It seems as if over the last half year, Republicans have embarked on ever greater efforts to repress the vote. In recent months, we've seen a back and forth battle over issues such as voter purges, restricted voting periods and voter ID. These moves have inevitably hit the elderly, minorities and students the hardest, those least likely to be able to easily overcome such obstacles. However, good news has abounded as of late. Ohio saw early voting restored, Texas's voter ID law was struck down, Florida's voter suppression efforts were rejected in the courts, and voter ID laws in Wisconsin were similarly discarded.
However, the battle is not yet over, and one of the right's ongoing efforts is the attempt to purge voters from the rolls under the appearance of attempting to prevent voter fraud. In Texas this is an ongoing effort, despite all the evidence pointing to the fact that voter fraud is an exceptionally rare incident. In Texas, there have been only around fifty convictions in a decade's time.
With such a low rate of voter fraud, you would think the state of Texas would be more concerned with increasing voter turnout than prosecuting the exceptionally few cases of fraud that appear within the state year to year. However, that is not the case. Instead, Texas conservatives are still suspiciously eying certain counties for having too many people, and the attorney general is still claiming that voter fraud "is very real".
if you go through so many different and illegal methods to kill the vote of your opponent, does that not emphasize your lack of confidence in your own candidate, if so why would you lie and cheat to force him on "we the people"?
is there something about him that answer's your call for a yes man, that you seemingly despise yourself, nose holding and all?
The truth is, there are so few cases that Texas' efforts are more likely to disenfranchise individuals than weed out any potential voter fraud. Throughout various counties in Texas, people have been receiving notices of their own death and erasure from the voting rolls. When combined with its now failed attempt at redistricting, a process that would have reduced the impact of minority voters, it seems that Texas' efforts aren't aimed at increasing election honesty but instead slanting the election in the favor of Republicans.
imagine finding out in today's mail you are dead, then finding out you can't vote out the incompetent's that sent you the notice. republican wish to you, happy death day literally