Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ALEC's Own US Senator?


Thompson is now back in the spotlight as the Republican nominee in Wisconsin's US Senate race. By now "Tommy" is a household name in the state, but less understood is Thompson's relationship with ALEC throughout his career and his role in shaping ALEC's agenda. 
As Thompson once admitted about his early days in the Wisconsin Legislature, "I always loved going to [ALEC] meetings because I always found new ideas. Then I'd take them back to Wisconsin, disguise them a little bit, and declare that it's mine." (A Thompson spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.)
most disparaging this time is the right wing propensity to lie with impunity ans still get support what kind of person supports lies and deceit, and are they so naive they don't know there is no honor among thieves? what goes around comes around, what goes up, must come down, no matter how many lies try to support it.
Thompson professed his love for ALEC back in 2002. Today, the national organization is a lightning rod in American politics. A fierce advocate of free markets, privatization, and downsizing government, ALEC brings together dues-paying corporations and thousands of state lawmakers, most of them Republicans, to craft "model legislation" for use in state legislatures. Critics slam as ALEC a pro-business "bill mill" and a speed-dating service for big business and state lawmakers looking for ideas to take back home.
This year, ALEC has faced an onslaught of criticism from liberal groups for peddling "discriminatory" voter ID bills and the "Stand Your Ground" gun legislation brought to national attention by the Trayvon Martin killing in central Florida. Facing pressure from ALEC's well-organized critics, four nonprofit groups and 32 corporations, among them McDonald's, Procter and Gamble, and Walmart, announced plans to sever ties with ALEC. And in April, the good-government group Common Cause filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service alleging ALEC violates its tax-exempt status by lobbying state governments.
does this reveal the extent and duplicity of the republican agenda? they are not a party of "we the people" but one of "them the corporations". how can the right be your buddy when they pal around with "people like corporations?"