Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Syria crisis: Russia warns Obama against 'violation' of international law

IMO this wreaks of Putin overdosing on testosterone.
Russia rebuffed President Barack Obama's threat of unilateral action against Syria Tuesday, as officials said 2,500 refugees fled across the border into Turkey in just 24 hours – one of the highest daily refugee flows of recent weeks.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking after meeting China's top diplomat, said Moscow and Beijing were committed to "the need to strictly adhere to the norms of international law ... and not to allow their violation".
are the republicans feeling that tingle up their leg yet? this is that kinda buster talk they like to engage in, not to mention the cha-ching of the cash register of war.
Russia takes this posture after talking to China, hmmmmmmmmmm.
Obama on Monday threatened "enormous consequences" if his Syrian counterpart used chemical or biological arms or even moved them in a menacing way.
The president used some of his strongest language yet to warn Assad not to use chemical or biological weapons – after Syria acknowledged for the first time that it had such weapons and could use them if foreign countries attacked it.
Russia and China are much closer to those chemicals then we are, so it wouldseem they are just not wanting to be punked by the US, which i feel confident as long as the Pres. is in office that will be a well thought out final solution. republicans not so well thought out and a first solution. recognize