Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ryan campaigns with mother, vows to protect Medicare for seniors -

lying on stage in front of his mother republicans have no shame in their game.
Ryan hit at Obama, who he said had weakened the program by shifting $716 billion towards other programs in his healthcare reform bill and pushing program officials to look for ways to cut benefits.
“The president raised $716 billion from the Medicare program to pay for the ‘ObamaCare’ program,” said Ryan. “What’s more, in addition to that he puts a board of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in charge of Medicare who are required to cut Medicare in ways that will lead to denied care for current seniors. “
“Four million seniors are projected to lose their Medicare plans that they chose and enjoy today under this ObamaCare plan,” he said.
bald faced lie
"Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan know a detailed debate about their Medicare voucher plan is politically ‘suicidal’ so they’re not telling the truth about its impact on current seniors," said Obama campaign spokesman Danny Kanner, in a statement.
"Congressman Ryan didn’t tell seniors in Florida today that if he had his way, seniors would face higher Medicare premiums and prescription drug costs, and would be forced to pay out of pocket for preventive care," added Kanner. "He didn’t say that if he had his way, Medicare would be bankrupt in just four years, or that he would give $150 billion taxpayer dollars back to private insurance companies, which raises costs for everyone. He didn’t say that they’d turn Medicare into a voucher system, ending the Medicare guarantee and raising costs by $6,400 a year for seniors."
is he going to tell his mom or let her find out the same way as the rest after the election, when it's to bleepin' late.
Republicans have hit back, claiming President Obama weakened Medicare by cutting $716 billion from the program, saying he used the funds to pay for other elements of his controversial health reforms.
they are complaining and lying because it takes a few cars off that gravy train the insurance companies are riding on.
The White House says those
 savings came from cutting waste and fraud and eliminating insurance subsidies and that seniors’ benefits have not been affected.  still lying in favor of big business over his mother, if he does that to her you know we have a snowballs chance in hell.
A poll last week also showed voters more concerned about Medicare than Obama’s healthcare reform bill and suggested the issue could be problematic for the Romney-Ryan ticket. A survey from Kaiser and The Washington Post said 58 percent of voters want the program to remain the way it is rather than be privatized in part.
it's already in the media as a rebuttal to their lie, why do they keep digging?