Friday, August 24, 2012

Romney campaign treads carefully on 'DREAM Act' lawsuit

Mitt Romney's campaign is treading carefully on the issue of a new lawsuit against the Obama administration's deportation deferrals for young illegal immigrants, criticizing Obama for the policy but refusing to say whether or not he would continue the deferrals if he were to become president.
"There is no question that the president's executive action is unprecedented and raises large questions as to whether it is within his authority. The courts will have to sort this out, but this kind of uncertainty is unacceptable as these young people brought here as children are seeking clarity on their long-term status," Romney spokesman Ryan Williams told The Hill when asked about the lawsuit, which seeks to force an end to Obama's executive order that gave a two-year stay on deportations for undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children.
 "The president's action ruined a bipartisan effort in Congress to forge a long-term solution for these young people," Williams continued. "Mitt Romney will work with Congress to forge a long-term solution that will supersede the president's stop gap measure and give these young people certainty."
as with all America and the population they are lying to the Hispanic's claiming to be for them while supporting the by them hated term "regulate their existence here in America".  they really take advantage of different meanings for same words
Romney is in a tough spot on the issue, and the new lawsuit could hurt him by refocusing attention on it. During the primary he ran hard to the right on immigration and came out strongly against the DREAM Act, which would create a path to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants brought here as children. He's since sought to soften his rhetoric on the issue, but has avoided saying whether or not his administration would continue or overturn the executive order if he becomes president.
The issue is a sensitive one: most of Romney's party base are immigration hard-liners, but he risks alienating Latino voters, a key voting bloc, if he comes off as too hawkish on the issue.
risk alienating?  so now the flip flop extends to the party they are against Hispanics being here,except those who hire them, to realizing their overreach has all but gutted theIr attempt to "pal around, who's your buddy" BS