Friday, August 24, 2012

Is welfare a wedge issue for Mitt Romney?

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney writes on a white board as he talks about Medicare during a news conference at Spartanburg International Airport, Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012, in Greer, S.C . (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)" title="romney-whiteboard" />
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney writes on a white board as he talks about Medicare during a news conference at Spartanburg International Airport, Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012, in Greer, S.C . (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Is Mitt Romney trying to stoke white resentment to beat President Obama?
Romney marked the 16th anniversary of the signing of the Welfare Reform Act on Wednesday with a press release that declared, “Don’t expect President Obama to mark the occasion after just last month gutting the historic work requirements.” A day earlier, the Romney campaign released a web video titled “Only in America” featuring Danny Vargas, a businessman who claims he grew up in Brooklyn on welfare. Vargas says he broke the cycle of dependency and gained economic independence thanks to the work requirement in welfare reform and goes on to blame President Obama for stripping it from welfare.
what is it with this guy he's wrong "it's on video tape stupid"  more of a atrocity, his base will ignore his and Ryan's lies and the flip flopping and vote them in why_____________you fill in that blank.
take a look and you'll see who now and has always played the race card, it's red meat why would we want to gin up their base for them? you can't play a card you don't have in your possession. the dealer is the one calling a spade a spade not us, that dealer is of republican abomination to human beings. me me ends up being you you. guilty as perceived.