Sunday, August 19, 2012

Romney campaign keeping debate over Medicare on center stage -

It's supposed to be the Democrats' signature issue, but Medicare has risen to the forefront of this year's presidential race largely because Mitt Romney’s campaign has put it there.
 On the Sunday political shows, surrogates for the GOP presidential hopeful amplified their attacks on President Obama's Medicare plans, saying the Democrats' reforms will gut the popular seniors program leaving it up to Republicans to save it.
That twist on the usual Washington refrain – Democrats for decades have accused Republicans of wanting to dismantle Medicare – combined with the aggressive nature of the GOP's messaging campaign, all but ensure that the issue will remain in the headlines in the run up to election day.
most important to point out the hardheaded bastards have been repeatedly call out as liars and it's on video tape stupid. if they keep digging they'll be in China then Romney can pick up his residual outsourcing checks via shortcut.
Republicans now are hoping to duplicate that trick with Medicare, charging full steam ahead with claims that Democrats are threatening seniors' health and Republicans are racing to the rescue.
That strategy was on full display on the Sunday shows, where members of Romney's camp blasted the Democrats' Medicare reforms as a threat to a program they've championed for years.
"it's on video tape stupid" all your lies and plans to gut and your 716 billion dollar bald faced lie.