Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Romney amazes he knows hardware comes from hardware stores, who knew?


Mitt Romney is an idiot. There's no way to spin it or tease it out, it's just a fact: this dude is missing a few screws. He's desperately trying to prove he's a regular guy by taking time off from the campaign to go grocery shopping. Check this out:
"Mitt Romney Goes Shopping, Successfully Executing The Lamest Photo-Op Of 2012
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney engaged in arguably the most blatant "I'm a regular guy, just like you" campaign stunt Monday. The "Best Pandering to Date" award of the 2012 season was won by the GOP's standard-bearer by using a rare day off from the trail to go shopping at his local hardware and grocery store in Wolfeboro, N.H.
Just how "everyman" is Romney?
Like you and me, Mitt Romney gets chauffeured to the store in a tinted-out black Chevy Suburban, Secret Service agents in tow. Much like the rest of us, he procures his ears of corn and tools with a press gaggle dutifully snapping pictures."
He actually thinks Americans are stupid enough to believe a man with a 78K per year dancing horse would come off the presidential campaign to go grocery shopping?
Wow??   he looks so pleased with himself.
wonder if he knew to ask what isle certain things were in?