Friday, August 24, 2012

I Didn't Build That: Ryan Event Host Touts Federal Support Of His Business

Vice Presidential pick Paul Ryan was put in an awkward position on Thursday when one of the speakers at his own campaign event bragged about getting government funding to help build his business.
Scott Perry is President of the Partnership for Defense Innovation, which recieved $7.5 million in earmarks over three years — under both Presidents Bush and Obama. Perry’s praise for government funding was odd, considering low public opinion of earmarks generally, and the Romney-Ryan campaign’s persistent focus on the fact that people build businesses themselves, not with the help of government.
Still, at Thursday’s event, Perry said, “this building that you are sitting in is an example, a success story, of federal appropriations that worked:” 
did Ryan need a spatula to get the egg off his face?
Interestingly, Paul Ryan voted in favor of two of thethree earmark bills that gave Perry his funding. 
we know the people shown behind these hypocrites are bobble heads, why do they never show the one's he supposedly is lying to? are they really there or is it a phantom audience of 3 or 4 or "0".
this incident is indicative of how they just rush to make any kind of a statement mostly exaggerated lies, with out fact checking or vetting the guest speaker. their entire faux campaign is starting to melt before their eye's. be prepared for the ramp up of "more of the same" their reasoning it has to work eventially.