end result, does this or their version with the factual lying really make a better Pres., the economy is going to improve anyway, so using their logic like Bush deserved credit for all of the Pres. accomplishments. wouldn't Pres. be responsible for that rise in the Romney economy or was that just another two faced one? as for Bush what he deserves is well documented "it's on video tape stupid"On the campaign trail, Mitt Romney has expressed his love for America, mangoes, papayas, pie, water, laughing, good pretzels, American cars, the existence of wind, legal immigration, all of the Constitutional amendments, ice skating, and trees of a certain height. But if you're looking to understand where the GOP presidential candidate is coming from, it's best to examine a different set of objects. As Romney prepares to accept his party's nomination in Tampa, here's our virtual tour of his defining moments as told through the objects, both literal and metaphorical, that he's encountered on his journey.