Saturday, June 23, 2012

What Really Happens If the Supreme Court Strikes Down the Mandate?

If the court upholds the law, then everything goes forward as planned. If they strike down the entire law, then everything stops. The only interesting question is: What if they strike down the individual mandate but uphold the rest of the law?
from the right's position it's all about their devotion to insurance co. as opposed to "we the people".
on the progressive side is all about "we the people".
But without a mandate, they're unlikely to get a random selection of customers. Instead, healthy folks will probably stay out of the market and buy coverage only when they come down with some kind of serious illness. This is a disaster for insurers. They aren't getting regular premium payments from these customers, but they still have to pay for their million-dollar proton beam therapy when they get prostate cancer. Too much of this kind of behavior and they'll be out of business. That's why this dynamic is called a "death spiral."
so which component of the population is the scotus leading to, big business which is the right wing five justice's benefactors or the "we the people who they have sworn to protect.
this is not any more detrimental to us as it can be for the scotus, they are already getting police protection from fear of backlash, but from who, the law abiding peaceful progressives or the gun toting crazies on the right, that's like spit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one comes true.
what we need to put at the top of the reform list is the strangle hold that the right wing side of the scotus has been exerting within its way to self oriented life time appt. with evidently no oversight. what about Thomas and his wife's affiliation with those in discussion with the court being pated and Thomas see's no appearance of impropriety or does he not care? this is not any more detrimental to us as it can be for the scotus, they are already getting police protection from fear of backlash