Friday, June 1, 2012

Romney gives Obama an 'F' grade on foreign policy despite bin Laden raid

now what's wrong with that picture? sniper capitalist Romney is grading the Pres.? still wondering who will be his brain trust. for those who think that this 21st century "Robber Baron" is the answer, take another look at his record.

they really think Romney is better choice to represent America abroad? he can't keep his foot out of his mouth long enough to be able to connect with American's remember they are holding their collective nose's in order to deal with him, foreign leaders don't have nose's? the man is verbally deficient. please click title please copy paste

now he has a record that once again "it's on video tape stupid" what would your grade be for him?
forget that, for the moment, look at what he and his party envision for "we the people" most egregiously women. also look at he will not change Bush's agenda all his advisors are Bush gang member's, with plan A and B gps leads back to that ditch our beloved Pres. has just gotten us out of. is there a grade Z right wing ZEALOT?