this is a watered down as to republican real agenda, which IMO is to continue their effort to over throw this admin (treason?).
their real intent is one of revenge and muddying "we the people's "view of this admin and punish them for not being complicit in the right wing constitutional law being broken by the voter fraud, fraud against "we the people" insuring us of an unfair and unjust election again, and stealing the Presidency now twice in the this the third election.
and their base cheers on as the same right's they claim they have are the same one's they are cheering for their leaders to deprive us of.
those who by giving their vote support the usurping of other American's right's just to allow the same party to pillage their social rights, worker rights, all because of the greed and apathy the right wing party holds for "we the people" of America as well as their staunch supporters blue collar white males, if they need a hug the progressive's will do that and not stick their free hand in their pockets. and sell their kids up the river just ahead of Koch factory pollution.
where is the America that was or was it ever, i wrote this on this blog last year
Fri Jul 8, 2011 12:53 PM EDT
It pains me to write the following, being a Vietnam vet who served faithfully 44 yrs. ago. Has America ever been truly beautiful? Europeans come over here to escape tyranny and religious persecution, then promply proceed to kill, persecute and tyrannically force the indigenous peoples off their land, put them in little swatches of land, default on promises to help them,. While importing slaves from another country to further subjugate the human race. Then take credit for those peoples inventions and hard work. Unfortunately this is still a priority of that same part of the population, same game another name (tea party). The poor,elderly, those on social programs (even their own group) are the neo slaves the corporations slave masters, the members of that collusive group of conservatives neo overseers. Today they want to murder the middle class and poor by deprivation of basic rights that were the compass of which this country's greatness was defined, before the money and fire power which just made us feared. America the Beautiful, you fill in the blank.