Monday, June 18, 2012

Not Everyone Thinks Stop and Frisk Is Racial

The Root) -- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg told a black congregation in Brooklyn last weekend that stop and frisk, the controversial police strategy of questioning and searching passersby, "saves lives." Critics beg to differ, arguing that stop and frisk is a violation of civil rights and a thinly veiled version of racial profiling that overwhelmingly affects black and Latino males.
The majority of those who took our survey are on the side of Sunday's marchers: 86.5 percent believe that stop and frisk is not an adequate crime deterrent, 75 percent believe that police unfairly target certain racial groups and 89 percent believe that stopping and frisking innocents is a civil rights violation.
i don't think any reasonable person can say this is a good tool for police other then to beef up their arrest and quotas.  the storm trooper tactic used by the group called jumpout is good in respect to outdoor drug markets, but in some case's innocents are caught up in the fray and humiliated pummeled and possibly given a record for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
i have seen the viciousness used by these cops, kicking, body slamming, knees in the back , face on the concrete no matter the weather.
violence dispersed by white a black officer's like they need to prove they have no love for Black perpetrator's, even the innocent one's. don't know how the act in white neighborhoods or if they even patrol the drug area's there. this as the article states just indoctrinates those young Black men to the street and creates IMO more converts to law breakers then it deters's