Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Willards whimsy

first they try and fool you with Bush was really the reason Bin Laden was killed.

now Romney responsible for saving auto industry.

don't anyone tell them that the truth is in the news archives and all over the net, yet they still insult your intelligence by just totally subverting the truth, that is floating around the world in living color.
America be you right or progressive a vote just because__you fill in the blank is it really going to mke your life better or ruin the lives of the other's? trick question any harm to one citizen if not now it will be harm to you. is the right wing hate doctrine more important to you then the livelihood of your family and their families to come?

if you buy into the right's garbage about loading debt on your kids, which by the way is what they always have done now again trying to 180 it on to this admin, look around at all they intend to etch a sketch out of your lives and your families lives.

look at all they have done with out paying for it WAR for one, now they want to pay for the tax cuts to rich with your money, and they accuse our beloved Pres. of taking your money and giving it to the poor, and here they go again doing what they accuse this admin of doing. you get squat if you elect the right somewhere it has to resonate among those who oppose and realize they have been punked for years. please click title

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8UyFCVOGKI sorry copy paste