Sunday, May 6, 2012

Marco Rubio Avoids VP Questions, Hammers Obama for Losing his Spark

i saw this guy on Fox news Sunday, he squirmed and came short on Romney favorable's and immediately went to Obama bashing saying the identical verbatim speech about our beloved Pres.'s so called failures, that all other right's have chirped all this week. "one mind leads to single thought" they wish they had someone who could tout those "failures".

trying to rebuke the Latino voter block with fake propers given does not make him any more favorable to the Hispanics then the party he represents wanting to electrocute them and have them self deport to a end of being on a list to citizenry, how many pebbles will they obscure that road with?

let me leave you with this thought for all the "good stuff" he tries to disguise for Hispanics, "HE'S A REPUBLICAN" like leopards he can't change his spots, like the scorpion and the frog, he stung him because it's his nature. recognize.
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