Monday, February 1, 2016

Anderson Cooper Loses It with Anti-Muslim Trump Supporter

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Following up on the question asked of Donald Trump in New Hampshire about "Muslim Training Camps in America" to which The Donald responded "We're going to be looking into that", after saying in response to the claim that the "President isn't an American, He's a Muslim" not a flat denial and correction of such an outrageous deluded lie "Right".
Anderson Cooper confronted Trump supporter Andy Dean, president of Trump Productions, about it and things quickly devolved from there.
Dean said it's “not accurate at all” to say that Trump said “we’re going to be looking at Muslims." He said the GOP frontrunner meant he would be looking at potential radical Muslim training camps.
“We're going to be "looking at that [the potential training camps]". You may laugh it off, but there are potential reports of Muslim radicals,” Dean said, before Cooper interrupted.
“Andy, I’ve spent more time overseas than you ever have in your little life, so don’t tell me about I’m laughing this stuff off,” Cooper said.
So Trump didn't actually say he's going to "look into Muslims", but at the same time "there are potential reports" of Muslim radicals and "training camps" and of course Donald Trump did just say he was going to "look into that", but not "Muslims"?  Yeah, ok.  That's as clear as wet dirt.
The conversation then devolved into a Passport-Off with the two arguing over which of then had spent the most time overseas in countries like Afghanistan or Iraq until Dean finally admitted he really hadn't been in countries like that very much - because - Radicals.
“Not much in the Muslim world, because I don’t want to get killed,” Dean responded.
Anderson then turned the question back to the claims made by man in New Hampshire where Donald Trump said "Right".
He's not an Islamophobe. There was a lunatic in the audience. Look, Donald laughed off the crazy man. Donald Trump does not believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim. But if you look at things he's doing, and his mid-east policies with this Iran agreement.  It puts all of us in danger and that is very, very serious. Radical muslims are a serious problem.
So it takes a "lunatic" to believe that the President isn't an American?  You have to be a "crazy man" to believe that he could be Muslim?  That he just might be deliberately undermining the U.S. in allowing terrorist training camps to flourish a secret plot to satisfy is true Muslim masters overseas?  
Just how crazy all of that truly is we will explore over the flip.

there is definite change happening more people are stepping up and calling out the lies and outlandish innuendo being spewed on the republican side of the street that is something i've repeatedly asked for to crush the lie when it comes out nip it in the bud and the beauty is women are engaging republicans to even though they hail from that party.

read the rest of the article for that insanity referred to i don't know who's the craziest those who beat a dead horse or those who believe that horse is alive.............

just in time for scotus opinions and Caucasus and voting maybe some eyes will open to the reality of the character of those they support.