Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Gun-loving Catholics plan to disobey Dallas bishop who banned firearms from churches

Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell 

A Church may seem like an odd place to bring a gun. But Catholics in Dallas, Texas are upset that church leadership won’t let them take their firearms with them when attending, the Dallas Morning News reports.
The Dallas Diocese, led by Dublin-born Bishop Kevin Farrell, forbids parishioners from bringing weapons into its churches. A column written by Farrell denouncing open carry has further irritated conservative, pro-gun Catholics, the News reports.
“It is absurd that terrorists, criminals, and mentally unbalanced people can freely and openly buy weapons not intended for sport, but designed to kill people,” Farrell wrote on his blog. “Writers of the Second Amendment envisioned smooth bore muskets and not semi-automatic and automatic weapons of war.”
Farrell called open carry a “cowboy mentality” and praised President Barack Obama’s recent executive actions aimed at curbing gun violence. While people in states like Texas now can carry their guns legally, private property owners retain the right to bar weapons.
Farrell’s stance has prompted conservative Catholics living within the Diocese of Dallas to condemn him as a “leftist” with “Irish-European views” on guns, the News reports.
“He just likes to ram these things down people’s throats,” parishioner Charles Cleaver told the News, of Farrell. “I don’t know who he’s trying to appeal to.”
“Why doesn’t he just call us a bunch of mouth-breathing inbred hicks and be done with it?” wrote a conservative Catholic blogger, who argued that Farrell wasted “moral capital” speaking out against open carry, instead of “evils” like abortion and contraceptives.
“More Americans are killed by automobiles every year in this country than firearms, but Bishop Farrell doesn’t spend time, effort, and precious moral capital railing in favor of legislation demanding greater automotive safety, because he’s familiar with cars, probably uses one most days, and thinks they’re great,” the anonymous blogger wrote. 
“So he’s quite willing to put up with their downside. But he doesn’t feel that way about guns, because they’re black and scary and icky and only a knuckle-dragging troglodyte would ever want one. Even though almost 2/3 of annual firearms deaths are involved not in murders, but in suicides.”
didn't take long gun enthusiast ignore their family's safety in favor of guns, now the are forsaking their religion for the love of guns one thing i like to point out,  the last sentence in his retort shows he knows 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides Church is where one might go to seek help if intending to hurt themselves but that's on them as long as the zealots get to cozy up to their own WMD and to defy the wishes of his pastor in Church shows he could care less about another life.

hey idiot maybe he's concerned some selfish butt like you might just get a hankering' to pull that bad boy out and kill a few during Mass or play with t in your pocket and shoot yourself or some innocent.