Saturday, December 12, 2015

Watch a bald eagle named Uncle Sam try to attack Donald Trump during a photoshoot

Bald eagle named Uncle Sam attacking Donald Trump

During a photoshoot for Time Magazine in August, Donald Trump was paired with a 27-year-old bald eagle named Uncle Sam for the magazine’s feature story. Unfortunately for Trump, from the minute he they got together, 
Uncle Sam did not seem to like The Donald or his hair, hitting him on the head and messing his questionable locks within seconds of posing next to each other. Later in the same shoot Uncle Sam took another go at Trump while seated at his desk. Here’s a short GIF of Uncle Sam scaring the xenophobic crap out of Trump. 
as the global stage turns their backs on Trump so does the American symbol of all he is not don't know about you but i see it as animal instinct and poetic justice.  if elected will he ban all Eagles from flags and emblems open season on them and put them back on endangered species list because Uncle Sam wasn't nice to him??????????????????