Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Trump's attack on women continues: “They want to burn their bras and complain about equal pay"


Trump delivers his lump of coal for all women on Christmas Day.
Trump’s campaign is ratcheting up his misogynist assault on women.
The bully wasn't satisfied attacking Hillary or 10 year old Hannah. He now wants to go after all those awful liberal women who believe in equal pay and treatment for all women in our society.
I will say this now and without a doubt, that a President Trump would pose a clear and present danger to women’s rights.
This guy and his campaign literally hates women.
I so look forward to this strategy, because Hillary will take them to town and to be quite honest, women don't blame Hillary for Bill’s dalliances. They blame Bill.
I say to the misogynist and his campaign of women haters, bring it on!
 What you have on Hillary Clinton’s side are a bunch of people, including women — liberal women — who want to run around talking about the war on women,” Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said Wednesday night on CNN. “They want to burn their bras and complain about equal pay and being treated as men, and the second they get criticized for anything they start acting like 9-year-old little girls.”
It appears that Trump's spokesperson failed to read its very own press release.
So let’s be serious,” she added. “Let’s talk policy. Let’s talk policy instead of going around trying to call somebody sexist, racist or misogynist.”
Of course, the spokesperson went on to reiterate that Hillary should “be careful” or they’ll have to bring up Bill to prove how much Hillary hates women. Can I get a LOL?
and he still makes the claim of how much he loves women.  i think he fears this opportunity for Hillary to beat him like a pinata on his rhetoric being in opposition to his real rhetoric on women, he is desperate acts like this show it, threatening Bill well guess he forgot that didn't go so well back when they tried ti impeach him.  

he is well liked and regardless well respected this can be a backfire if he tries to attack on his indiscretions which Hillary had nothing to do with and is seen as the victim attacks only gives her more support especially from women the same ones he says he'll take better care of,  republicans won't let him even if he was serious there is a war going on between them.