Florida Senator Marco Rubio's presidential campaign has taken a few hits lately after news broke that he's missed a record 42% of Senate votes since launching his campaign, which the Washington Post said is the worst attendance of any senator seeking a presidential nomination. Jeb Bush has seized on the voting record and is using it to amp up attacks against Rubio.
But Marco Rubio isn't the only senator running for president. Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz have missed roughly 27% and 24%, respectively. And how about Senator Bernie Sanders' Senate voting record during his campaign thus far? Incredible:
The Vermont senator has missed just 4 percent of Senate votes, compared to 42 percent for Rubio, MSNBC calculated – and Sanders says he doesn’t like to miss any.
“That’s kind of what I’m paid to do,” Sanders told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday. He added that he would miss votes, but said “I’m trying to miss as few as I possibly can.
“I am extraordinarily proud to represent my great state in the Senate,” Sanders said. “We’re working very hard on a number of issues. And while it is difficult and very time-consuming to be a full-time candidate and to be a full-time senator, that is at the moment what I’m trying to do.”
Emphasis added. That's an extraordinary record. In fact, during a recent interview with Andrea Mitchell, she noted they had to wrap-up so Senator Sanders didn't miss his flight back to Washington, D.C. for a vote. If Bernie Sanders doesn't win the nomination, we can be sure that he will continue to be a model senator hyper-focused on getting the people's work done.
is there a lesser of two evils here, all republican bills are counterproductive to the country and the people so not showing up to vote is a plus???????? surprised he hasn't touted himself as saving us from him and his party yet.
as to the other evil;
In an interview that aired on CNN’s State of the Union, Jamie Gangel pointed out to Rubio that other Senators running for president (Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders) have only missed ten votes while the Senator from Florida has missed 59.
Rubio answered, “Well, I can tell you that in the history of presidential politics when they’ve been running for politics in the Senate, they’ve missed votes.”
Sen. Rubio tried to explain away his absences by arguing that the Senate votes don’t mean anything, “A lot of these votes don’t mean anything. They’re not going to pass, and even if they did, the President would veto them.”
another presidential aspirant of the republican kind