Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The GOP ‘Women’s Champ’ Just Told A Women’s Talk Show To ‘Man Up’ And Debate Her (VIDEO)


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As the Republican candidates go full crybaby over the debate format they insisted on, Carly Fiorina is taking a different approach. After lying to Elisabeth Hasselbeck about her campaign being involved in negotiations, Fiorina is pretending she doesn’t care about the format and will “debate anyone – anytime, anywhere.”
Hasselbeck turned Fiorina’s attention to the women of The View, who haven’t been exactly kind to the former HP CEO. In a recent episode, one of the hosts referred to Fiorina’s face during the last debate as “demented.” She was talking about a specific moment when Fiorina was trying to hold a fake smile, but the humor seems to have gone over Hasselbeck’s head, much like her education and qualifications to be a journalist.
Hasselbeck seems to forget that had it not been for The View, she’d be sitting by the phone waiting for Jeff Probst to call and offer her another shot at the million dollars.
Fiorina’s message to The View, which was to “man up and debate me,” could be the dumbest thing uttered by a candidate so far in this election cycle. Not only did she suggest that in order to debate her, women would need to be more like men, she also suggested that they be more like men while debating issues that could only harm women or are completely fabricated bits of propaganda:
“The Obama Administration has been bad for women. Planned Parenthood has been harvesting baby parts.”
These two things in particular have been a thorn in Fiorina’s side. She was almost in tears when she described that baby being tortured alive while its brain was harvested — something that never happened. She was passionate as she told America that 92 percent of all jobs lost under Obama were jobs belonging to women. Neither of those things are true, but she said them, and she’s sticking by her false statements.
The reality is that Fiorina is delusional. She’s arguing for women by trying to take away their reproductive rights. While the Obama administration pushes for income equality and paid family leave, Fiorina stands staunchly opposed, because it’s bad for her corporate masters. The View will tear her to pieces.
the dumbest thing rrrrRience Preibus did was starting so early he has given them the time to put all ten toes in their mouths and explain why they are talking with a decided groan.  she has spent so much time trying to prove she's one of the good ol boyz and now using epithets like MAN UP and with so much discovered so far so many lies and misquotes we get a whole year left for them to display themselves.

will they look back at their "TRAIN WRECK" and "ABOMINATION" and make any changes or will they just blow the dust off what they started with and try it again????????  will be a little harder now that so many on their side are stepping up and calling out the buffoonery the can't seem to get off the bottom of their shoes, elephant dung is insoluble they are stuck with it.

did i mention going on a show hosted by women basically for women and suggesting they "MAN UP" and debate her like a man is she having some sort of feminine issue flashback or is there something we have yet to find out, just sayin????????????????????????????????