Thursday, October 1, 2015

Right-wing hatred of Muslims explained by wingnut writer

Andrew McCarthy, one of the right-wing professional Muslim haters which include Peter King (R-IRA), Pam Geller, and Frank Gaffney, has given us a handy utilitarian rationale for their demonization of Muslims.
A few days ago, the normally way off course Charles Krauthammer wrote a a piece in which he criticized Ben Carson for saying that a Muslim should never be president:
But it remains morally outrageous. And, in a general election, politically poisonous. It is certainly damaging to any party when one of its two front-runners denigrates, however thoughtlessly, the nation’s entire Muslim American community.
Muslims, Hispanics, women. What next? Who’s left?
And along comes Mr. McCarthy, who disagrees with Dr. Krauthammer, saying:  
With Democrats in distress, the columnist fears Republicans are undermining their golden 2016 opportunity: “It is certainly damaging to any party when one of its two front-runners denigrates, however thoughtlessly, the nation’s entire Muslim American community.”
But what loseth a man if he denigrates a tiny community — a large percentage of whose members are Islamists reliably aligned with Democrats — but gains the esteem of a vast political base convinced that Washington is insane on matters Muslim?
Short version of Mr. McCarthy: scapegoat Muslims to get more votes from the Muslim-haters.
P.S.  Mr. McCarthy appears to be trying to imitate the language of Mark 8:36.  I wonder if he really understands what this means?
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
human nature to not suppress your true feelings for any length of time will bring you to the stage with lights shinning on you as you bare your soul or lack there of.  they say a gaffe is accidentally telling the truth when you shouldn't.  people believe what they think speaking your mind is not an accident it's intent what you say and to who dictates it's interpretation.