Saturday, September 19, 2015

'Veterans For Trump' Deny They're For Trump. Whoops.

The toupee life-support system that is Donald Trump has been caught lying like a, erm...rug. Again. According to The Guardian:
A number of people were named as members of “Veterans for Trump” on Trump’s election website. “These veterans have pledged their support to Mr Trump in the primary, and they will be advocating for him,” a press release said.
But when the Guardian contacted several claimed Veterans for Trump members on Friday, three said they had never heard of the organisation and had not signed up as members.
“I don’t know anything about it,” said Ernie Fusi, an 88-year-old second world war veteran from Atkinson, New Hampshire. His name was among 51 “Veterans for Trump” whose details were sent out to the media and listed on Trump’s website.
“I haven’t told anyone I want to get in on that,” Fusi said. “I’m not going to do any campaigning.”
The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Trump must win the GOP nomination:comedy demands it.
this guy is just as bad a liar as bilo everything he's claimed loves him denies him from the church to Hispanics and Black people to now the vets.
more recent;
 Rachel Maddow reviews the background of the man behind Veterans for a Strong America, the beneficiary of a Donald Trump fundraiser speech on the USS Iowa, which does not appear to have any membership outside of chairman Joel Arends, and which today had its non-profit status revoked by the IRS.

hundred's of thousands of veterans support Trump, not so much. guy is liar those who support him are really the one's getting duped. he should be shamed and tared and feathered to try and use veterans he wants to be commander and chief of vets should all turn their backs on him in solidarity.