An 18-year-old Minnesota man and his 13-year-old girlfriend (back to that in a minute) claim they were innocently cruising a neighborhood in Winona, Minnesota when he realized he'd hit something. The something was a 4-year-old boy named Damajae Winn.
The man's girlfriend, Brook Schrumpf it was an accident:
“We didn’t see him until after the fact,” Schrumpf said. “We didn’t see him until he was lying on the ground. He’s like, ‘I’m pretty sure I just hit a kid.’ I’m like, Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.”
When he got out of the truck, unhappy neighbors attacked him:
According to police, the driver, whose name is Ryan and wishes not to speak on camera, got out of his car to check on the boy. That's when a group of people approached him and attacked.
"There was like ten guys already there hitting him and pulling him out of the truck and I seriously heard the first hit happen and I took off to go get my mom because I'm like there's one of me and there's 10 of them," says Brook Schrumpf, the driver's girlfriend, who was in the car with Ryan when he hit the child.
at this point her testimony sounds self rebutting she says he got out of the car to check the boy then he was approached an attack next sentence ten guys were hitting him and pulling him out of the truck but after hearing first hit she took off so how did she account for the rest of her story and was he in or out of the truck??
why are they only publishing the girlfriend's account and not the driver actually responsible.
Nobody in their right mind intends to hit a 4-year-old with a big ol' pickup truck, but neighbors say the man, identified only as "Ryan", had been provoking the neighborhood for some time:
A predominately Black neighborhood in Winona, Minnesota has had to deal with a Confederate flag waving pickup truck driver for awhile. The driver known in the neighborhood as Ryan frequently drives at high speed on the streets and has been confronted in the past.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Neighbors say he regularly drove recklessly:
Some witnesses in the neighborhood say they were yelling at the driver to tell him to slow down.
"Stop speeding, stop speeding and kept begging him and begging him and you see what happened," says the young witness.
"There's kids all over the place so he just got up here and he just thought he was going to rev it up and burn down the street and he does this all the time," says Packard.
nobody intends to hit a 4 year old with a truck why not when they blow up churches they don't consider if children are present many other incidents where children were or could have been were not stopped because of that.
Many Americans in the news media and elsewhere are reluctant to acknowledge how the angry and violent response by Baltimore’s young people against the illegitimate, cruel and repeated acts of police brutality and killings in their community could be logical and wholly reasonable—and solidly within the American political tradition.
The White Racial Frame—a system of belief that legitimizes and normalizes white dominance and privilege in North American society—has produced the language of “riots,” “black pathology,” “thugs,” and “criminals” that is commonly used to describe the Baltimore uprising. The White Racial Frame does the work of white supremacy and helps to maintain political, social and economic systems of white privilege and unearned advantages. The White Racial Frame also distorts historical fact by erasing America’s long tradition of white-on-black violence across the colorline.
home of the brave until it comes to self acknowledgement of where they have been and still residing there.